below is an example of a post I wrote for a class project about highlighters. 
I was able to write a post about this innocuous object in such a way as to engage over 100 comments.
screenshots of the comment thread below. click on an image to scroll through.
this next image is from 2018, the year I did a photo project following a season of beekeeping with this man, joel, and his company, the aurora bee company. 
this is a post he wrote about working with me. 
(at the time, my photo company was called black rail photography.)
I was so moved by his post that I shared it to my social media, and wrote the following post in response:
(this response garnered over 100 likes and 30 comments.) 
my point in sharing these is not to tout the numbers themselves, but rather to show how much I enjoy engaging with others on social media in a way that is light-hearted, quirky, and playful, but also in a way that is intelligent, dignified, and thoughtful. 
I think approaching social media in this manner makes the content easy and fun to ingest while proving a value to the reader by sharing something beneficial, interesting, or motivating.